The act of publicly proselytizing religious messages to
crowds of people in open places especially along the streets and in buses, has
been a thriving activity in the suburbs of Nairobi city and estates.
Nairobi being an
international city with many high rise buildings and beautiful views has
several sites for street preaching that is mostly done during lunch hour and
evening hours. The preaching are usually done between 1.00-2.00 p.m and 4.30 –
7.00 p.m when people are out of the offices. The key sites are at the National
Archives, Githurai bound buses and the Jevanjee gardens just to mention but a few.Travellers are compelled to hear the
preaching and to give as they are told its better to give than to receive.
At lunch hour, you can see street preaching everywhere and
indeed Nairobi is a strong Christian city.The preachers preach a message of
prosperity, end times and giving and people always sit to listen to them preach.
While seated at the Jevanjee gardens to have some time
during lunch break after a hectic time at work, I feel entertained by some of
them as well as blessed by them.The preacher this afternoon, gives different and touchy testimonies that lead his or her listeners to give.
Surprisingly, they carry
their bibles with them in their bags and when they come across a multitude,
they begin to preach. Truly, at the end of the day, I justify my statement that
Nairobi is indeed a strong Christian city.